How can LifePosts help create an Ethical Will?

LifePosts provides tools to encourage reflection, and a space to organize, draft, and share your thoughts.  Because LifePosts makes it easy to add audio and video, you can use those to illustrate and underscore your words in each of its three sections: LifeStory, LifeQs, and LifeTimeline. While you are free to use one or all these tools in any way you want, to make the fullest use of all three, we suggest you consider them in this order:

LifeQs offers prompts to spur different kinds of reflections, with space to write about your values and wishes for the future as well as regrets and challenges.  Responding to specific questions can be an appealing, bite-sized way to contemplate your life and message.  The system allows you to edit the questions and write new ones of your own – so if you want to change, cut, or add to what you see, feel free. Keep in mind that sometimes photographs can say more than words. If particular people or places shaped the values you want to convey, you may want to tell and show.

LifeTimeline is a place to describe significant people and moments in your life sequentially, with space to explain their importance. Consider illustrating these with photographs of family members, important friends, or teachers, your first home or job, a life-changing event or trip; or with meaningful documents like a ketubah or birth certificate.

LifeStory is a blank page where you can write whatever is in your heart. The image space at the top of this area can be left empty – or can house a picture of you, a slide show of images, or a video.  For many people, this will be a place to highlight and summarize what you learned responding to the LifeQs and creating a LifeTimeline.

Last Updated On: June 28, 2018 11:35 AM
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