Giving a LifePost as a gift

Making or starting a LifePost can be an incredible gift. Imagine a birthday or anniversary tribute created by your family & friends – complete with photos you never knew they had, memories you’d forgotten, and unique appreciations from your most important loved ones.  You would love it – and so will the people you care about.  It’s simple:

  1. Sign up under your own name.
  2. Create the LifePost and get friends and family members to contribute stories and photos. (Learn more about inviting friends and family)
  3. Surprise your family member or friend with a complete LifePost, or add the person you are giving this to as a Co-Creator (Learn more). That way they can take it over if they or you want (or you can continue to maintain it).
Last Updated On: December 19, 2015 8:07 PM
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