LifePosts Blog, Memorials

Children Memorialized



December 27, 2016Dec 27, 2016

A brief tribute to the angels who passed away recently and the beautiful memorials created for them on LifePosts.


Resources for Families in Grief


Still Standing Magazine:   “In the face of loss and infertility, our mission is to show the world that we are still standing. Holding fast to resilience and hope. Our mission is to help you embrace life for everything that it is after experiencing the loss of a child or infertility. The focus of this magazine can be broken down into three parts:

  • encouraging women, men and even children to embrace life
  • connecting hearts around the world who have similar life experiences
  • becoming a resource for friends, family and even medical professionals, to know how to support someone enduring child loss and/ or infertility”

Invisible Mothers:  “For Mothers who have lost their babies and have no other living children. Support. Resources. Community. Love.”

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep: “The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep mission is to introduce remembrance photography to parents suffering the loss of a baby with the free gift of professional portraiture. We believe these images serve as an important step in the family’s healing process by honoring their child’s legacy.”

Bereaved Parents of the USA:  “Bereaved Parents of the USA (BP/USA) is a national non-profit self-help group that offers support, understanding, compassion and hope especially to the newly bereaved be they bereaved parents grandparents or siblings struggling to rebuild their lives after the death of their children, grandchildren or siblings.”

Unspoken Grief: “Mission: to build and support a community of individuals and families who have been touched directly or indirectly by miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal loss. Working together to remove the stigma of perinatal grief by sharing our stories and increasing awareness of the lasting effects of perinatal loss.”

Honoring Our Angels:  The founder, Monica, wrote about why she started this site which has content and support for families who have lost children:

“I am a mom to 5 children, 4 of them by the grace of God I get to watch grow up, and one watches over us from Heaven. Honoring Our Angels was started on behalf of my daughter Devon who passed away in 2008.  Devon’s death was tragic and unexpected.  It was the most bitter/sweet time of my life. There really aren’t words to describe the anguish and pain you feel when you hear the words, “she’s no longer with us. I have had the privilege of holding an Angel and she will always be my daughter.”

Categories: LifePosts Blog, Memorials