Where else your LifePost might appear

For LifePosts designated Public or Semi‐Public, we will make every effort to republish these great stories on other websites. However, LifePosts that are set to Private will be seen on only LifePosts by the people you’ve chosen.

Public and Semi‐Public LifePosts may be highlighted in our forthcoming Amazing Lives blog and social media feeds:

In addition, those LifePosts may be republished by other websites. Over time, we will expand our network of sites, which we refer to as the LifePosts Network. At launch, we have these great partners publishing LifePosts:

There’s no guarantee any given LifePost will appear on these sites, but they are excited and interested in these stories.

If you are a representative of a media company or organization and would like to learn about how to join the LifePosts Network, contact us.

A copy of your LifePost also will be preserved for posterity at the Internet Archive.

Last Updated On: October 28, 2015 1:34 PM
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