If I invite someone to a LifePost, what section of the LifePost will they land on?

The answer to this question is simple: they go to the section from which you’ve invited them.

This might seem confusing to you if you build out your LifePost and end on the LifeTimeline, then get excited and use the invite link right away, thinking they’ll be brought to the Overview page – effectively the homepage for your post.

But when it comes to getting help from family and friends, this system is more useful. You can choose to invite friends and family to the parts they might be most interested in and willing to contribute to. If it’s a memorial, for example, you might want to send an invite to just the honoree’s college friends from a certain section of the LifeTimeline, so they can specifically leave memories on the entries about the subject’s college years. Or you can go to specific question in the LifeQs (just click “Answer this question”) and use the invite link there to send it to the most relevant people – ie. a question about a person’s spirituality might get more answers from those who attended church with the honoree.

If you just want to send invitations to the Overview to friends and family and let them choose where to contribute, simply use the invitation link in the Overview section. Or you can also invite them using that LifePost’s invite link on your Activity Hub.

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Last Updated On: February 1, 2016 3:44 PM
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