Reviewing all contributions

When you set up your LifePost you have a choice of Review Settings (More on Settings.) The two review options are:

  •  Publish All Content Automatically:  This is the default setting. It allows anyone to make a contribution, which is published automatically without review.
  • Review All Contributions: All contributions are reviewed by a Creator or Co-Creator before being published.

The default setting which publishes automatically is the most user-friendly to contributors.  People are more inclined to add to your LifePost if they can see their words or photos included right away.

But there are many reasons LifePost creators want an added layer of control.  If you opt to review all contributions, you or any of your Co-Creators must approve all contributions by other people before they are published.  If you choose this option, it’s smart to let the contributors you invite know they will experience a delay when they offer material to the LifePost.

If you choose to review all contributions, you will receive a notification via email or in your Activity Hub when you have a contribution waiting for approval. You will be able to review the contribution and approve or reject it.

Note that any contributions that are pending approval – meaning they haven’t yet been accepted or rejected – will remain visible to the person who posted and to Creators and Co-Creators. Other users will not be able to see them.

If you aren’t sure what setting you chose, or want to change this setting for a given LifePost, you can access your settings through a button on your personal Activity Hub or through the user dropdown menu in the global navigation. Once on the Settings page, look for the module titled Privacy & Review Policy under the LifePost Specific Settings area of the page.


Last Updated On: December 19, 2015 4:20 PM
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