Ways you can get help from friends and family

Your LifePost experience will likely be richer and more fun if you get help from friends and family.


Ask people to contribute their stories and specific memories, in addition to congratulations or condolences.

Pictures and videos

These days it seems everyone has pictures of everything. Make sure to take advantage of a really cool LifePosts feature: if a friend posts a photo in any of the contributions areas, a copy is made for you and appears in your Media Library.

This enables you to gather in one place all the photos that people have contributed!

Managing and editing

You can appoint others to be Co-Creators. That way, they can help you build and manage your LifePost. More on what it means to be a Co-Creator here.

Be aware that all Contributors to a LifePost must register before they can upload photos, comments, etc. They can do this by entering an email and creating a LifePosts password, or by using their Facebook registration (more details here).  You can save yourself and your invited contributors some potential frustration by letting them know registration is required to post.

Last Updated On: December 19, 2015 7:51 PM
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